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Beth sydd mewn enw? Casgliad o enwau - y modd ein hadweinir ac y cyfeirir atom. Mae'r cwestiwn yma yn dilyn 'Names' gyda'u holl symudiadau creadigol. Beth yw, pwy yw 'Names'? Mae'r ddeuawd alt pop ddwys hon, gyda phiano ac electronica yn sylfaen iddynt, yn herio ddiffiniadau rhwydd. Does dim bwriad ganddynt i ildio i alwadau gwamal y diwylliant pop. Maent yn parhau'n ddirgelwch gan gysgodi o fewn y darluniau sain rhewllyd a gynhyrchir ganddynt. Ar y naill law mae'r darluniau sain yn wledig, yn adlewyrchu eu genedigaeth ddaearyddol ym mherfeddion gwyllt Sir Benfro, ac ar y llall yn creu delweddau dinesig, distopaidd, clawstroffobaidd sydd yn gwegian oddi wrth cyfarfyddiadau anghysurus, yn llwythog o ryngweithio.


Teimlir y ddeuoliaeth greadigol hon i'r byw yn 'Backs Turned', sef sengl cyntaf 'Names'. Mae Ioan Hazell (piano a llais) a Joey Robbins (drymiau) yn cynnig sengl sydd yn gyfoethog o ran mewnwelediad aeddfed; adlewyrchiad o arwahanrwydd a thorcalon trefol.   O ran eu cerddoriaeth mae 'Names' yn eu lliwiau unigryw yn dilyn camrau arloeswyr ol pync megis Joy Division, tra bo alawon digyfaddawyd Radiohead a Nick Cave yn ysbrydoliaeth hefyd. Ni ellir ond cyfeirio at 'Names' fel dirgelwch cerddorol unigryw nad oes angen ei ddatrys.



What's in a name? A set of words by which we are known, addressed or referred to! With Names the question follows their every creative move, what are / who are Names? This melancholic, electronic piano, based alt pop duo defy easy definitions. They have no intention of sucoming to the fivurlous demands of pop culture. They remain a mystery, sheltered within the icy soundscapes they create. Soundscapes that are on one hand bucolic, reflecting their geographical birth in the wild depths of Pembrokeshire, whilst yet moulding images of an urban dystopia, claustrophobic and reeling from uncomfortable encounters / frought interactions.


This creative duality is keenly felt throughout Names debut single 'Backs Turned'. Ioan Hazell (vocals / piano) and Joey Robbins (drums) offer a debut single rich in mature insight, a reflection on isolation and urban heartbreak. Musically Names are following in the footsteps of post punk pioneers Joy Division in their singular palette whilst Radiohead and Nick Cave's uncompromising melodies are also inspirations.  Names can only be referred to as a unique  musical mystery that does not need any solving. 


Backs Turned


I want quiet, Just quiet, 

Silence for a while. 

The violence and street talk 

Have left me outside. 

Under streetlight surrender I am free From what you've become, 

From the back turns and strangers, 

I can breathe. 

But you're high so it's impossible 

For you to feel another thing. 

You insist that you get it 

That it wasn't what it seemed. 

But you're straight faced, distracted, So I know you're not listening. 

Under streetlights I'm lying in the snow. Yeah you're straight faced and evil, Straight faced and evil, Evil. 

Nes i byth ddweud fy mod i'n neud y peth gywir, y peth gywir. Ond mae pawb yn dweud fy mod i'n neud y peth gywir, Mae mor anodd gwybod.

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